Quick facts

  • Established in 2004
  • Offices in the USA, Hong Kong, and Malta
  • Real money gameplay

Want to get EvenBet games for your casino?

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EvenBet offer a comprehensive software solution for online gambling business. Their portfolio includes a poker platform, sportsbook software, fantasy sport and all types of casino games.

Pros :

  • Fast and easy API integration
  • Customisable software
  • Responsive customer support
  • Variety of poker games available, including the most popular ones such as Omaha, Hold’em, and Stud
  • Weekly updates
  • Easy table management
  • Detailed reports on games played, winners, and financial results

Cons :

  • Large focus on poker games

პროვაიდერის შესახებ

კომპანია დაარსდა 2001 წელს, მაგრამ 2004 წელს მათ დაიწყეს აზარტული თამაშების ონლაინ გადაწყვეტილებების შემუშავება და მიწოდება სხვა ბიზნესებისთვის. EvenBet მუშაობს სამ კონტინენტზე, ოფისებით აშშ-ში, ჰონგ კონგსა და მალტაში.

EvenBet FAQ

1. Does EvenBet provide installation and deployment services?

Absolutely! That’s exactly the purpose of the company. They are here to help their customers get the best software solution at a great price.

2. Can the software be integrated into an existing website?

Yes. All of the packages from the offer can be implemented into your existing website. API integration is compatible with websites written in Java, Python, Ruby, .NET, and PHP.

3. What functionality will I get by integrating the API?

Besides getting software designed according to your demands, you will also get a full back office functionality. That allows you to edit or add tables, as well as tournaments and users.

4. How safe will I be?

100%. All sensitive information is stored across the servers but it is never shared or exposed to a third party.

5. Which parts of the software are customisable?

All of them! You can do whatever you want with it. EvenBet is there to meet your needs, whether you want to add a new game, feature, or customise any UI element.