
SoftGamings არის წამყვანი ვირტუალური თამაშების დეველოპერი 2008 წლიდან, რომელიც თავის მომხმარებლებს სთავაზობს turnkey და white label სამორინეს გადაწყვეტებს, ყველა ტოპ თამაშების პროვაიდერს ერთიანი ინტეგრაციის ქვეშ, ლიცენზირებას, საბანკო გადაწყვეტებსა და სხვა მრავალს.

Dubai, UAE
23-25 FEB, 2025
Stand 35D

ჩვენი სამორინეს პროგრამის გადაწყვეტები

თუ თქვენ არ გაქვთ ელექტრონული სამორინე ან გსურთ, რომ უფრო თანამედროვე და სრულად ფუნქციონალურ პლატფორმაზე გადახვიდეთ, მაშინ სწორ ადგილას ხართ მოსული.

White Label

ეფექტური, ყოვლისმომცველი გამოსავალი, რომელიც მიზნად ისახავს საკუთარი კაზინოს უმოკლეს დროში გაშვებას.

Turnkey Casino

კაზინოს ბიზნესი შესანიშნავი გამოსავალია მათთვის, ვისაც სურს მიიღოს საკუთრებაში მყოფი მრავალფუნქციური ონლაინ კაზინო.


თვითმომსახურება არის უნიკალური ეფექტური გამოსავალი, რომელიც გაძლევთ პერსონალიზაციის შეუზღუდავ შესაძლებლობებს.

კრიპტო კაზინო

SoftGamings-ის კრიპტო კაზინოს პლატფორმა პროგრესული გამოსავალია ონლაინ კაზინოებისთვის, რომელიც მიმართულია კრიპტო ბაზრებისკენ.

ჩვენი პროდუქტები

თუ გაქვთ ელექტრონული სამორინე, ჩვენ გთავაზობთ თამაშების უამრავ პროვაიდერს, მათ შორის მრავალნარი სხვა სერვისს.

სამორინეს თამაშების ინტეგრაცია

Sports Betting Solution

სლოტების ერთიანი სისტემა


Live Casino Bundle


კრიპტოვალურის გადახდის სისტემის გადაწყვეტა

განცალკევებული Bonus System

Our Awards

250+ მეტი ტოპ თამაშების პროვადერი ერთიანი ინტეგრაციის ქვეშ

ჩვენ, SoftGamings-ში, ვთანამშრომლობთ საუკეთესო ელექტრონული სამორინეს თამაშების პროვაიდერებთან, რათა შევთავაზოთ ჩვენს კლიენტებს ხარისხიანი, შემოქმედებითი და ინოვაციური პროდუქტები.
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Why SoftGamings?

With 16+ years of experience under our belt and 500+ satisfied clients, we are the leading provider of iGaming products on the market.
Years of experience
Game providers
Full-time employees
Satisfied clients
Registered players

ჩვენი ლიცენზიები და სერთიფიკატები

კურაკაოს სათამაშო ლიცენზია

კურაკაოს სათამაშო ლიცენზია

სრული თეთრი ეტიკეტი / B2B კურაკაო ლიცენზია და ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე დიდი სალიცენზიო სახლი სრული მომსახურებით.
მალტის სათამაშო ლიცენზია

მალტის სათამაშო ლიცენზია

B2B ტიპის 1 ლიცენზია MGA– ს მიერ. B2C და B2B ტიპის 2 ლიცენზიები პროგრესშია.
B2B მიმწოდებელი ბელორუსიაში

B2B მიმწოდებელი ბელორუსიაში

SoftGamings თამაშის შინაარსი სრულად შეესაბამება ბელორუსიის ბაზარს რამდენიმე ლაივ ოპერატორისგან.
B2B მიმწოდებელი ლატვიაში

B2B მიმწოდებელი ლატვიაში

ჩვენი Sportsbook- ის გადაწყვეტილება ოფიციალურად ლიცენზირებულია და რეგულირდება ლატვიის ლატარიებისა და სათამაშო თამაშების საზედამხედველო ინსპექციის მიერ.
B2B ლიცენზია საბერძნეთში

B2B ლიცენზია საბერძნეთში

ჩვენ ვართ საბერძნეთის მთავრობის მიერ მინიჭებული B2B სათამაშო ლიცენზიის მიღების პროცესში, საბერძნეთის ბაზარზე სათამაშო შინაარსის უზრუნველსაყოფად.
ბელგიური სათამაშო ლიცენზია

ბელგიური სათამაშო ლიცენზია

SoftGamings Is E-Class Licensed by the Belgian Gambling Commission.
აშშ-ს ბაზრები

აშშ-ს ბაზრები

ჩვენი სპორტული ტოტალიზატორის სერთიფიცირების პროცესში აშშ-ს რამდენიმე ბაზარზე.
ISO 27001 სერთიფიკატი

ISO 27001 სერთიფიკატი

ჩვენი ინფორმაციული უსაფრთხოების მართვის სტანდარტები სრულად შეესაბამება სტანდარტებს ISO 27001 სერთიფიკატს, რომელიც საჭიროა გლობალური მასშტაბით.
B2B ლიცენზია კანადაში (ონტარიო)

B2B ლიცენზია კანადაში (ონტარიო)

ჩვენი ინფორმაციული უსაფრთხოების მართვის სტანდარტები სრულად შეესაბამება სტანდარტებს ISO 27001 სერთიფიკატს, რომელიც საჭიროა გლობალური მასშტაბით.
B2B ლიცენზია რუმინეთში

B2B ლიცენზია რუმინეთში

ლიცენზია მოიცავს პროდუქციის/მომსახურების მიწოდებას რუმინეთში ლიცენზირებული B2C ოპერატორებისთვის
Isle of Man აზარტული თამაშების ლიცენზია

Isle of Man აზარტული თამაშების ლიცენზია

OGRA-ს ძირითადი ლიცენზია მოიცავს როგორც B2C, ასევე B2B გადაწყვეტილებებს
Italian B2B Certificate

Italian B2B Certificate

The acquisition of B2B certification grants the SoftGamings’ brand companies the legal authorization to offer its full range of services in Italy, including dynamic self-service, white label and turnkey solutions, and more.
GCB License

The Curaçao Gaming Control Board License

ჩვენ лицензირებულნი ვართ GCB-ის მიერ და გავხდით ერთ-ერთი პირველი კომპანია, რომელმაც პირველად შეთავაზა პირველი კლასის მომხმარებლის მომსახურება, თეთრი ლეიბლის გადაწყვეტილებები და საკუთრივი პლატფორმისა და პროდუქტების შეთავაზება კონკურენტებზე წინ.

Our back office solution

Our back office solution is a modern, powerful tool and a new functionality is added every week, without extra charges for our clients

What our clients and partners say

Over the course of the past judging year, SoftGamings hold an unbeaten record with Evolution – they are the fastest growing platform provider across the whole of the Evolution network. SoftGamings have a very proactive approach in their own customer care, they are always keen to collaboratively work with us to maximise their revenue from Evolution and how to best utilise Evolution’s diverse product portfolio. It is a true pleasure to work with their professional and fast-paced team and they are a truly valued customer.
Daria Wozna
Key Account Manager, Evolution Gaming
Our relationship with SoftGamings began in 2012 and has since gone from strength to strength. The team certainly knows a thing or two, and I’m impressed by their unwavering dedication, efficiency, and focus. Our partnership is exactly that – we’re constantly collaborating to keep building on our growth together, and on a personal note, it has been an absolute pleasure to get to know them.
Bethan Davies
Partnerships Manager, Microgaming
We have been working in close partnership with SoftGamings for a long time. Through their innovative casino solutions, they can easily supply our portfolio through the CIS & Eastern Europe market as a step towards their rapid expansion to a worldwide level. Their professional approach, great communication, and continuous desire to improve the customer experience, while boosting revenue is an ideal business model, yielding great results. So, if you are in need of a reliable partner with a perfect track record and the potential to lift your business to the next level, we can recommend SoftGamings.
Henrik Gedda
Sales Manager, Play’n GO
We are thrilled to have SoftGamings as a partner. Their team of experienced professionals has done a wonderful job of expanding the reach of our game offering to numerous online casinos and players who have complete faith in SoftGamings’ top-quality products.
SoftGamings understands the needs of its clients and, therefore, has their best interest at heart. We are delighted to recommend SoftGamings to everyone who is looking for a reliable and efficient software provider and casino game aggregator.
Olga Mugliett
Senior Account Manager, Playson Ltd
SoftGamings has been a reliable partner of iSoftBet for many years now. During this time, it has been one of the key engines powering our expanding presence in CIS and Eastern Europe markets, as well as worldwide. Working with SoftGamings professionals who know how to generate revenue while maintaining the highest possible level of player satisfaction has been a privilege for all of us at iSoftBet. Our mutually beneficial cooperation continues to grow, thanks to their outstanding communication and great joint effort. I would recommend SoftGamings to any operator looking to get gaming and other types of solutions of the best quality. They are professional, reliable while always adding a personal touch, which makes any relationships long-standing and successful.
Federica Faggiano
Chief Commercial Officer, iSoftBet
I have been working with SoftGamings for several years. Owing to the reliability and good reputation of this company, Betsoft Gaming products are used by numerous major clients who trust SoftGamings. This is a fair and mutually beneficial cooperation, where Betsoft Gaming's interests are met.

I can add that SoftGamings has been supporting us regarding every issue. Moreover, it helps us in brand building and brand awareness, building up the reputation of Betsoft Gaming. I recommend SoftGamings as a reliable partner for long and efficient cooperation.
Anna Mackney
Sales and Account Manager at Betsoft Gaming
Since 2017, SoftGamings has helped us distribute Amatic’s content to its excellent client base. With SoftGaming’s range of best of breed solutions, we have no doubt that growth is guaranteed.
Ivan Camilleri
Managing Director, Amatic
SoftGamings has been a strategic partner of Digitain for many years and during this time we have benefitted from a highly professional and beneficial relationship. Like Digitain, SoftGamings believes in effective collaboration, putting customers and clients at the heart of everything they do. It's been a pleasure to work so positively together and we look forward to this continuing far into the future.
Samvel Mkrtchyan
Head of External Communications, Digitain
SoftGamings is a professional yet easy-going partner that we are happy to do business with.
Fredrik Ekholm
Account Manager, Thunderkick
SoftGamings offers an impressive Commercial Team. They all strive for success, which is an absolute bless for a B2B Account Manager. We’re always collaborating together to offer the best solution to their clients. They know how to take the best out of each Game Supplier and provide effective tailor-made solutions. I truly love working with them.
Valeria Russo
Account Manager, Quickspin
SoftGamings have played an important role as a strategic partner for Authentic Gaming over the years. Together we have grown operator revenues with a close collaboration and excellent communication on all levels within the respective organizations. I can truly say that the relationship has been great so far and continues to evolve daily as we break records together each month on our collective performance.
Magdalena Podhorska-Okolow
Chief Commercial Officer, Authentic Gaming
Our cooperation with SoftGamings lasts since 2016, and we're pleased to be working with such a team. SoftGamings are renowned for innovation, efficiency as well as a portfolio of different products and solutions that fit the needs of a host of clients in many jurisdictions. Partnership with SoftGamings plays a strategic role in our growth.
Ondrej Lapides
CEO at Tom Horn Gaming
Partnering up with SoftGamings has brought Habanero’s games to numerous casino operators through SoftGamings’ unique casino “bundles” and different casino solutions.

Their professional approach to gaming and constant desire to develop and improve the customer experience has made them an invaluable partner to our operation and a perfect platform through which we offer our full range of games to players worldwide.

If you are looking for a reliable partner that will continuously support you in all your endeavours and help you grow as a brand, SoftGamings is among your best choices.
Arcangelo Lonoce
Head of business development - Europe, Habanero
We are excited to be offering our content via such a dynamic platform as SoftGamings. Our broad content range fits well within the differing ‘Bundles’ concept that they have established, and a concept of which we believe will help us strive to continue to deliver quality products to the market.
Kevin Reid
CCO of 1X2 Network
We’re thrilled to partner with SoftGamings and pleased that our virtual sports will now be available in their casino environments. We look forward to working with them and are confident that our virtual games will be well received by a whole range of players.
Steven Spartinos
CEO of Kiron Interactive
If I was asked to recommend a reliable, professional and experienced business partner, I would definitely recommend SoftGamings. has been collaborating with them since 2014, and I can only say positive things about this aggregator:

SoftGamings is flexible, supportive and meets the interests of our company. So, if you seek positive changes in your business, SoftGamings would be a right choice.
Viktorija Zarembaite
Sales Manager at BetGames
SoftGamings was one of our first aggregation partners in Europe, and from the first day, we have seen steady growth in our business across the board. Their team is not only true professionals but also a group of individuals that strive to build the best service in the industry. We look forward to working with SoftGamings for many years to come.
Valters Garais
Account Executive, Pocket Games Soft
It's always been a pleasure to work with the professionals at SoftGamings. The passion they do business every day leaves me with no doubt we made an excellent choice of a partner. I'm looking forward to experiencing many more years of our fruitful cooperation!
Christina Mirnaya
Business Development Manager, Evoplay Entertainment
For over 2 years we have enjoyed an excellent relationship with Softgamings, one of the leading platforms in the CIS region. Softgaming’s long standing experience, technical excellence and drive to deliver top product opened the doors for Apollo to a large range of different operators across the iGaming industry. That is why we look forward to continuing to work with Softgamings. Also I would like to make particular reference to Irina Sazonova and Irina Tumanovska who have worked with us closely to ensure our online games perform amazingly and in the process they have built an outstanding relationship with Apollo Games.
Róbert Mikudik
Head of Commercial of Apollo Games
I have been working with Svetlana and the SoftGamings team for many years now. The team has always been highly professional and a pleasure to work with. For anyone looking to partner with a dynamic gaming software company I would recommend getting in touch.
Jake Lemer
Senior B2B Account Manager, iGaming Business
We are excited about SoftGamings services: due to the software provided by this platform provider and gaming aggregator, we have more players. We are also satisfied with their Customer Success service, which helps growing our profit. In one word, SoftGamings is a great gambling software company, and we are happy to be their customers.
Aleksey Tserkovnyi
Head of Casino of Favbet
Our company has been in tight cooperation with SoftGamings since 2010. I can say that I am really appreciated with it due to SoftGamings’ professional attitude and progressive approach to business. Their team is experienced and understands the clients’ needs. So, if you want to work with a reliable and professional partner, I recommend SoftGamings.
Ivan Ulyanov
Chief Marketing Officer at UB|Gaming
It has been a great pleasure to collaborate with SoftGamings in our efforts in promoting and expanding GGNetwork. Through meticulous planning, superb execution, and a good reputation built by SoftGamings, GGNetwork products have been used by numerous major clients who trust SoftGamings.

Our recent successful launch of GGPoker Channeling is a testament to SoftGaming’s high level of support and interest in building and promoting a brand together for greater awareness. SoftGamings has been proving themselves as a reliable and reputable partner of GGNetwork and is a recommended platform provider for potential partners of GGNetwork.
Daniel Lim
Managing Director at GGNetwork

Our Bonus & Loyalty System

Our bonus system is included into our platform solution and can be integrated into your casino environment. The system features tournaments, casino shop and different loyalty levels.

A completely standalone, 100% API solution that can be integrated into any online casino

Full bonus support: first deposit, registration, new deposit, complex rules, chunk release

Bonus balance can be kept separately or merged with real money balance

200+ settings for bonuses and loyalty

Loyalty points, experience points, customer levels and loyalty shop come as standard functionality

Gamification features: customer levels, tournaments, achievements